Devil’s Courthouse Trail
Milepost 422.4
Distance: 1.0 mile out and back from the parking area.
Difficulty: Strenuous
Elevation Gain : 258 feet
Trailhead: Blue Ridge Parkway milepost 422.4, park at the Devil’s Courthouse Overlook
Elevation: 5720′
This is a family friendly hike for children over 5. It is a very steep incline for adults.
Sneakers or hiking shoes
Definitely bring a camera or video camcorder the views are like a painting.
Park you car at the overlook. When looking up at the rock face sometimes you can see some tiny hikers at the top viewing area. Follow the paved pathway parallel with the Blue Ridge Parkway towards the tunnel and enter the woods. Get ready to climb almost straight up at a very steep incline. There is a bench in the left half way up. Then the pathway turns to a wall enclosed viewing area with spectacular mountain views. Looking to the East is the Carolina Piedmont. The view to the West is the Shining Rock Wilderness