by admin | May 18, 2015 | Hiking By Activity, Hiking By Difficulty, Hiking By Distance, Hiking National Parks, Hiking Trails - Under 1.0 Mile, Hiking Trails Blue Ridge Parkway NC, Moderate Hiking Trails, North Carolina Overlook Mountain Trails, North Carolina Visitor Center Trails, North Carolina Waterfall Trails, Overlook Hiking Trails, Visitor Center Hiking Trails, Waterfall Hiking Trails
Trail head: Milepost 271.9 Blue Ridge Parkway
Distance: 0.9 miles
Duration: 55 minutes
Skill Level: Moderate Hiking Trail
Trail head starts off at the E.B.Jeffress Park overlook at milepost 271.9 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Past the bathrooms and down the trail the path takes you until you reach a series of steps, the a bridge that crosses Falls Creek which is part of the water for the Cascades waterfall. As you continue down the trail to see and step down many sets of stairs until you come to a stone staircase which leads you to more stairs downwards until you reach the cascades falls. The water fall runs from right to left and is many stories tall. Once you take your photos and head back up a few flights of stairs you then head towards the right and loop around towards the parking lot. there are many picnic benches here for lunch or a snack before or after your hike.
- Water bottle
- Regular shoes or sneakers would be fine for this hike
- Would recommend this hike to families with small kids
Cascades Trail Map

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Directions To The Cascades Waterfall
by admin | May 18, 2015 | Easy Hiking Trails, Hiking By Activity, Hiking By Difficulty, Hiking By Distance, Hiking National Parks, Hiking Trail Guides by State, Hiking Trails - Under 1.0 Mile, Hiking Trails Blue Ridge Parkway NC, North Carolina Mountain Hiking Trails, North Carolina Overlook Mountain Trails, North Carolina Visitor Center Trails, Overlook Hiking Trails, Visitor Center Hiking Trails
Trail head: Milepost 273 Blue Ridge Parkway
Distance: 0.7 miles
Duration: 20 minutes
Skill Level: Easy / Moderate Hiking Trail
Tomkins Knob Hiking Trail is a good extra hike to add onto the Cascades Falls Trail at EB Jeffress Park on the Blue Ridge Parkway. This adds another .7 miles to the .9 mile waterfall loop. This was a good leg stretcher, very flat through the woods until you get to the beginning of the cascades trail. On the the trail you will enter a field where there is a very old mountain cabin that you can walk through and see how people lived in the mountains long ago.
- Water bottle
- Regular shoes or sneakers would be fine for this hike
- Would recommend this hike to families with small kids
Tomkins Knob Trail Map

by admin | May 11, 2015 | Campground Hiking Trails, Hiking By Activity, Hiking By Difficulty, Hiking By Distance, Hiking National Parks, Hiking Trails - Over 1.0 Mile, Hiking Trails Blue Ridge Parkway NC, Moderate Hiking Trails, North Carolina Campground Trails, North Carolina Overlook Mountain Trails, North Carolina Waterfall Trails, Overlook Hiking Trails, Waterfall Hiking Trails
Trail head: Blue Ridge Parkway-Milepost 295.9
Distance: 2 miles
Duration: 1 hour
Skill Level: Moderate Hiking Trails
Drive to the Blue Ridge Parkway to milepost 295.9 and park in the overlook. There is a small lake called Sims Pond, and waterfall here and a map of the green knob and which is part of the Julian Price memorial park trail system. After crossing the bridge over the waterfall, continue around the pond on the trail. The trail crosses and runs along the creek then starts to ascend the mountain, the path then go under the blue ridge parkway bridge at Sims Creek Overlook. The trail continues along the creek and climbs the mountain until you reach the green pasture. Then continue up the road and follow the stone arrow signs. The trail heads back into the woods and downwards back in to a field with a mountain view. The trail then continues to loop around and ends up back at the road across from the overlook and the Sims Pond.
- Hiking Shoes and Water bottle
- Intermediate hike for families with small kids
Green Knob Trail Map

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by admin | May 11, 2015 | Easy Hiking Trails, Hiking By Activity, Hiking By Difficulty, Hiking By Distance, Hiking National Parks, Hiking Trails - Under 1.0 Mile, Hiking Trails Blue Ridge Parkway NC, North Carolina Overlook Mountain Trails, Overlook Hiking Trails
Trail head: Milepost 299 Blue Ridge Parkway
Distance: 0.4 miles
Duration: 17 minutes
Skill Level: Easy
Cold Prong Trail off the Blue Ridge Parkway is a small loop for beginner hikers. Almost all of the hike is flat. You start at the overlook parking lot, and head right on the path. The trail is wide and you follow it until you come to a wide open area with a small foot bridge. After rains this area must fill up a bit, so there is a bridge. the trail loops around and before you know it you’re back at the parking lot. I would call this one an easy leg stretcher after driving on the parkway for a few hours.
- Water bottle
- Regular shoes or sneakers would be fine for this hike
- Would recommend this hike to families with small kids
Cold Prong Trail Map

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by admin | May 11, 2015 | Easy/Moderate Hiking Trails, Hiking By Activity, Hiking By Difficulty, Hiking By Distance, Hiking National Parks, Hiking Trail Guides by State, Hiking Trails - Over 5.0 Miles, Hiking Trails Blue Ridge Parkway NC, North Carolina Mountain Hiking Trails, North Carolina Overlook Mountain Trails, North Carolina Visitor Center Trails, Overlook Hiking Trails, Visitor Center Hiking Trails

Trail head: Milepost Blue Ridge Parkway, Moses Cone Manor
Distance: 5.8 miles
Duration: 2 hours
Skill Level: Easy/Moderate Hiking Trails
Take a few bottles of water
Wear walking, running or hiking shoes
Be careful and courteous to Horses passing by
Moses Cone Park Carriage Trail Map
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by admin | May 11, 2015 | Easy Hiking Trails, Hiking By Activity, Hiking By Difficulty, Hiking By Distance, Hiking National Parks, Hiking Trail Guides by State, Hiking Trails - Under 1.0 Mile, Hiking Trails Blue Ridge Parkway NC, North Carolina Mountain Hiking Trails, North Carolina Overlook Mountain Trails, Overlook Hiking Trails
Trail head: Norville Crags, North Carolina
Distance: 0.2 miles
Duration: 12 minutes
Skill Level: Easy
Fox Hunter’s Paradise is an overlook located off the Blue Ridge Parkway at milepost 218.6. This overlook is very wide and gives a great view from the parking lot of the surrounding mountains. Great spot for pictures and video. From the overlook sign take the road to the right and drive or walk about 50 yards where there is another small parking area. There is a sign that says pedestrian overlook 250 feet. A simple flat walk on a straight hiking trail make this an easy .2 mile hike to an overlook with spectacular mountain views.
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